Monday, April 21, 2008


The crud oil is at ever time high of nearly $117 per barrel today
during newyork oil trading . the need of alternative fuel (OTHER THEN CRUD OIL PRODUCTS)
is high priority of the whole world
It,s an alarming situation,
not only for poor and developing countries but also for developed and rich countries .
it is the right time for human kind either choose another path (alternative of crud oil specially
renewable) or destruction
did i say DESTRUCTION why? i,ll show you how.
because the O.P.E.C or oil producing countries has refused to enhance oil production giving reasons bla,bla,bla and the people living on this planet don,t want to hear that crap they want cheap energy to live peacefully if they( O,P,E,C ) don,t act then people WILL .
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

there are 12 members (countries) of this organization IRAN, IRAQ, KUWAIT, SAUDI ARABIA
if i am not wrong the fate of 6 (six) billion people living in 200 countries are totally dependent on the decisions of these countries i think finding a right solution for the oil crisis is much more important then any industrial or bumper crop type revolution these two things can only be achieved if we have sufficient, cheap and ample amount of energy recourses
the fact is that currently we have only few alternative energy sources available most of them are not renewable if does the main problem again ,the price, here is where the story stops

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Liquid Petrolium Gas (LPG),Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) are fossil derived fuels and therefore release, one way or another, sequestered greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. As vehicle fuels, they are suitable for use in the two dominant internal combustion engine technologies; spark ignition and compression ignition. Although capable of working in either type of engine there are practical factors which limit their applications to one rather than the other. Broadly speaking LPG is compatible with petrol (gasoline) engines and LNG and CNG with heavy diesel vehicles.Their main claims to fame are that they produce much less tailpipe pollution and can be significantly cheaper per mile to run especially in the UK where users can benefit from government grants, reduced excise duties and other charges. Many vehicles using these gases are dual fuel (aka bi-fuel) and there is a reasonable structure of filling stations, particularly for LPG; as a result they are practical and are 'here and now'.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas is a fuel which can power cars, buses and lorries, however due to factors discussed below, and other alternative fuels being available, LPG is best suited to light vehicles such as cars and small vans which normally run on petrol. Our estimate of energy density* is 65% compared to diesel and about 75% compared to petrol (gasoline).Typically the gas is predominantly propane (C3H8) with some butane (C4H10) derived mainly from oil refineries (also North Sea gas, in the UK). We give the chemical formulae because it is the ratio of carbon to hydrogen which is important; the smaller the ratio of C to H, the better for the environment. It follows that methane (CH4) is a better gas in this respect but only if fully burnt! The gas is liquefied by moderate compression at normal temperatures and is stored in appropriate tanks and cylinders. The liquefaction is necessary to provide a reduction in volume and produce acceptable energy densities. In general this moderate, well tried, process gives it a portability and makes it a fuel with a myriad of applications but the main application discussed here is as a fuel for motor vehicles.LPG vehicles need to be purpose built or they can be converted. It seems that conversions are only practically applicable to petrol vehicles, not diesel because diesel engines need significant modification for this particular gas. Normally they are Bi-fuel which means that they can be run on either LPG or petrol at the flick of a switch, even while motoring. The most notable difference between LPG and petrol or diesel, for cars and vans, is the cost of fuel. As a rough guide, in the UK, the cost per gallon is halved compared to petrol, because the government have reduced the duty by a very substantial amount. In addition to this concession, DETR grants are also available to carry out conversions but they only apply to vehicles less than five years old: grants for cars and light vans were about £700 to £800 in 2004. We also noted in January 2005 that LPG vehicles, eligible for grants, (amongst other low exhaust-polluters) should qualify for 100% exemption from the London Congestion charge. From a local environmental point of view LPG is cleaner than petrol and also diesel, although it is still a fossil fuel and thus its use, as a whole, contributes to global pollution and climate change. At the vehicle exhaust there are less CO, hydrocarbons, nitrous oxides and particulates emitted and it deposits less sulphur in the engine.There are drawbacks to converting vehicles to LPG:
The cost of conversion of a petrol car seems to work out at about £1,100 to £1,500 and it may take a few days to do (a few weeks lead time). According to Andrew Frankel in an article in the Sunday Times (13 Jan. 2002) the estimated cost was greater, from about £1,500 to £2,300. Whichever, the resultant capital outlay dictates that you must do a lot of miles to recoup the cost.
There are relatively few filling stations around the UK, but no doubt more will become available as there are more users (in January 2003 we read that there are well over a thousand stations).
We have also heard of problems caused by non-standard filling nozzles.
The mpg will be less than with conventional fuel (our guess is it will be reduced to about 3/4) but even so fuel costs should be lower, at about 2/3 [ie 1/2 X 4/3 = 2/3].
The range of a tank full of LPG is likely to be less than a tank of petrol, however, with bi-fuel vehicles the total range will be the sum of the two so there is no need to be concerned about finding LPG stations.
The extra volume taken up by the gas tank will reduce the available load space.
There may be a slight performance deficit.
You need to check that the manufacturers guarantee will not be invalidated and we suggest you check whether the insurance premiums will be increased.
If your vehicle uses only leaded petrol the engine may require replacement of the valve seats.
Liquefied Natural Gas fuel (LNG) is produced from a mixture of raw components but is predominantly methane and is compatible with diesel technology, subject to the necessary modifications. Since the composition of methane is CH4, Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) are burning fuel with a relatively low carbon to hydrogen ratio. Our estimate of energy density is 60% compared to diesel.LNG cannot be converted to a liquid by pressure alone but must be cooled to a very low temperature (lower than -160°C), a process which removes some impurities such as sulphur and water. The LNG must be stored and transported permanently at around this temperature and this is accomplished by super insulation in a pressurised, double tank system, similar in principle to a thermos flask, together with a venting system to take away vapour. The storage pressure of about 8 bar (8 x atmospheric) is not regarded as very high but because of the insulation requirements the tanks are large, the fuel is only suited to large, heavy diesel vehicles such as trucks, buses and HGVs.Although the energy density is about 60% compared to diesel the fuel costs are much lower and LNG should give lower running costs. Vehicle excise duties and road tax in the UK are reduced for natural gas vehicles and they are exempt from the London Congestion Charge providing they appear on the Powershift register.When compared to diesel, NGVs are quieter and local emissions of pollutants are much reduced but of course the main drawback, global pollution associated with the burning of fossil fuels, still remains.
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is, as its name suggests, the close relative of LNG and as a natural gas it has the same basic characteristics. However, because it is not liquefied it has a lower energy density and is stored at very high pressures; about 200 bar. Our estimate of energy density is 25% compared to diesel or 42% compared to LNG.These two factors are a big disadvantage for CNG. Storage and vehicle tanks have to be robust and heavy because of the high pressure requirement. The space taken up on the vehicles by the tanks is significantly more than twice that for LNG tanks (or the range is much less than half) because of the lower energy density.Because it is Natural Gas it attracts financial incentives similar to LNG (details should be checked individually). LNG is much more portable because CNG depots need to be supplied by pipeline and need compressors on site. LNG sites require much less capital investment and are more expensive to run.It certainly seems that CNG is the poor relative of LNG but we can see evidence that it is used for heavy transport in the UK, on a limited number of prescribed highways.
Liquefied Compressed Natural Gas (LCNG). This seems to be a marketing feature so that LNG refuelling stations have the ability to dispense two fuels, LNG and CNG at the same location. LNG can be pressurised and vapourised to give LCNG.
Summary: All of these gases can offer considerable reduction in pollution at the tailpipe, however, since they are fossil fuels in origin their continued use contributes to climate change.Although, in principle, they can be used to replace diesel or petrol, LPG is better suited as a petrol alternative for smaller vehicles such as cars and small vans and LNG and CNG are appropriate for larger diesel vehicles.The fact that conversion of existing engines, using tried and tested methods, is practical (even if not without cost) together with acceptable energy densities makes the use of these fuels an immediate proposition. The fact that the raw supplies are those that exist already (oil and gas) is a practical point in their favour although the supplies will diminish since they are not renewable. The fuel distribution network has developed reasonably and is still growing and, we read that, the charging process (tank filling) made relatively easy. These factors have been bolstered by government financial incentives and other concessions so that adoption of the fuels has expanded to a significant level.We have little doubt that vested interests have played their part in the evolution that has taken place. Indeed, reading the sometimes misleading articles from the vendors, which flaunt the advantages without mentioning the core drawback, tends to confirm this suspicion.On balance we think it is better that vehicle operators are using these gases than sticking to the traditional petroleum fuels, but we believe that the government subsidies and concessions would have been better spent on alternatives such as biodiesel and organic alcohols.WORKS

Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)A Renewable FuelAlso known as LP-Gas, autogas and even simply propane, LPG is a mixture of mostly propane and butane gas that has been compressed into a liquid. It is the most commonly used alternative fuel in the world. The Gas Processors Association requires LPG to be at least 90% propane in order for it to qualify as a transportation fuel. Currently, about 2% of the energy used in the United States is from propane and less than 2% of that propane is used for transportation fuel. Properties Pressurized liquid, clear, colorless, non-toxic Production The chemicals that go into LPG, such as propane, are byproducts created during oil refining or through extracting heavy liquids during the processing of natural gas. They are separated from these products, then compressed into a liquid. CO2 Emissions YesLPG emits about half the carbon dioxide as conventional gasoline. Fuel Blends No Infrastructure In Place. Currently, the infrastructure for propane is the largest among all alternative fuels. In the US alone there are about 2,500 fueling stations in operation. Compared to Gasoline The statistics vary, but according to the Global Autogas industry Network (GAIN) , LPG emits only half as much carbon monoxide, 40% as much hydrocarbons and 35% as much nitrogen oxides as gasoline. Advantages • It has a high energy density and allows for good driving range.• If spilled, LPG presents no threat to soil, surface water, or groundwater because it evaporates immediately on meeting the surrounding air. Disadvantages • A gallon of propane has about 25% less energy than a gallon of gasoline.• Although supply currently exceeds demand, the supply itself is limited, meaning global conversion to autogas is unlikely• Converting a current vehicle to be able to run on LPG requires using the trunk space for the fuel tank. The weight of the tank also creates a subsequent drop in the car’s acceleration. The Future… … of autogas currently lies in at least two places. First, the development of the Liquid Propane Injection (LPI) engine will lead to substantially higher fuel efficiency, thereby making it all the more attractive to the consumer. Also, in 2007 Technology Review reported that researchers at MIT announced a chemical process for creating propane from sugarcane. The product, called biopropane, is a renewable fuel that could utilize propane’s existing infrastructure.